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MVR's offer of virtual reality attractions allows installation and to achieve strong profitability yields quickly. Among other things, all MVR attractions can be configured to operate without a dedicated operator.

Our offer

MVR studies and creates a theme for each of our attractions.

As a VR studio, MVR develops virtual reality content every year and thus maintains the attractiveness of the facilities from year to year.

With Simulator

VR with RICHTER motion simulator


A fan of water games? Experience an eventful descent in a tropical setting infested with wild animals. Don't let yourself be carried away by the current...

VR 360

VR 360

Hot air balloon flight simulation in 360 video

Thanks to Virtual Reality, you will have your own  airline, where each passenger will live, in complete safety and without any constraints, a sensational experience…


Custom creation

Technology without limits, we can also study tailor-made ideas atdevelopment  of your new attraction.



Aware of the risks of bacterial and viral transmission (in particular linked to COVID-19) due to the permanent exchange of the VR headset from one head to another, MVR has developed a decontamination station specially dedicated to VR. No need to disinfect for long minutes and indefinitely adjust the antiperspirant protective masks.


A UV-C lamp against effective germicides

Thanks to the UV-C lamp located in the middle of the station, the SANITIZER can disinfect bacteria and viruses present on the helmet. The use of polished aluminum walls also improves the germicidal treatment on the outside of the helmet.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


Decontamination at

For an exposure of 201 J / m² at 254nm over a minimum duration of 7 seconds.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

These calculations have been validated by several metrological tests carried out at the national test laboratory and confirmed on our test benches.


We have thought of everything

The notch on the bottom of the station will allow you to slide the cable of the virtual reality headset without having to unplug it. You will be able to put the SANITIZER near your attraction.

A practical slide system

The sliding door can remain in the high position during the animation. This avoids closing the decontamination station and activating the UV-C lamp unnecessarily (or taking the door when it is conventional ...).


Close safely

When the door is completely in the closed position, a security system blocks the opening of it, preventing it from coming into contact with UV-C rays.

Virtual reality only? Not only...

The SANITIZER compartment also allows you to put on a harness or a helmet for tree climbing centers but also walkie-talkies for tourist guides and much more ...

Ask us the question

The aesthetic concerns we take care of ...

The SANITIZER does a rough presentation for you? We can make it more cheerful with your logo and the colors of your animation and all that without changing the cool price right?


© 2023 Modimage Virtual Reality

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